Coins of the Tarot --- Metal Coins for tarot readings
Created by Arthur Pittsley
Complete 78 coin tarot set with 78 card companion deck
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Tarots all shipped, and my new project
almost 4 years ago
– Thu, Feb 04, 2021 at 08:21:46 PM
All the tarot coin rewards have been shipped.
Thanks to everyone for a successful project
USA shipping took place a few months ago while EU/UK shipping has just finished last week so if you haven't gotten your rewards yet they must be very close.
Craig had a tough job to do with all the changes to EU shipping from the UK and had to wait a bit for the Christmas holiday shipping chaos to end.
Many backers are asking if the tarot coins will be available for purchase again and I will have another production run but unfortunately not until the end of the year as I have other project ahead of them.
My new project is for Solomon's keys, the 44 planet pentacles
I have designed this project to be the most affordable coin project I have done so far. The coins are single sided and 22mm in diameter and there will be no stretch goals but because of these changes we are able to set the reward pricing to a very low $20
This $20 reward is for all 44 pentacles a pocket guidebook and a pouch
Shipping addresses, add on changes, and locking orders
about 4 years ago
– Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 03:41:46 AM
Hello, I hope everyone is doing well
I will be locking the pledge manager addresses and charging the cards for add-ons and international shipping next week so everyone should make sure to have the correct shipping address in backerkit if yours has changed within the last 5 months.
I understand that many people have had life changes from 5 months ago in April when the backerkit pledge manager was activated and so they are able to remove add-ons if needed at the pledge manager.
You can get to your pledge manager at the link below and when you get to your account there is a "Edit your order" button on the right of the Coins of the Tarot banner and from that button you can change anything you need to.
After the cards are charged if there are any errors you will receive an email with a link to fix the problem, most issues are from an expired card with an old expiration date so if you have an updated card since April you should check it.
Shipping should be starting the first week of October as long as nothing changes for us.
Status of the Coins, the Cards and the Book
over 4 years ago
– Sun, Aug 09, 2020 at 05:20:42 PM
I hope everyone is doing well during this difficult time, its been quite a bit of time since my last update so a lot of progress to report on.
Things are moving along pretty well right now but for most of the time it was only my wife and myself since we did not want to involve anyone else with the covid risk.
My nephew Kyle has only joined in just recently but he has helped it move along at much faster pace so we should see the next stages happen faster.
I had originally planned on bringing in some extra outside help for this project but the work restrictions have not allowed that until just recently but at this time I think I will just stay with the three of us. (unless things clear up faster of course).
I have added some pictures showing the stages and progress.
The Coins
The coins are all cast, edge finished and are ready for the antiquing and finishing stage. (antiquing is about 1/4th done)
These coins are still attached to the sprues(the channels that are used to fill the mold)
even more coins still attached to the sprues
Only kidding its the same coins, just a different angle.
The coins after they are removed from the sprues and edge finished
More coins at edge finished stage
A lot more coins at edge finished stage, each tub has almost 1000 coins.
The Cards
Cards have been printed and are ready, nothing more need to be done to them.
The Guide
Books have been printed and are ready to be assembled.
The book parts, back cover, cover, and inner pages.
We need to collate the books and insert the coils
cut the coil to size, shrink wrap and its done.
Stay Safe everyone.
Thanks Arthur
Current tarot coin status
over 4 years ago
– Sun, May 17, 2020 at 11:34:40 PM
I hope everyone is well and will continue to do well in these difficult times.
General Status
At this time we are still on schedule to deliver several months early since I added a few months for unexpected delays and right now our delay has been about 1 month.
The Coins
The coin making started on schedule the 2nd week of April and right now we are about 30% done with the coin casting
While there hasn't been any delay in the mold making and coin casting since that was scheduled to be done by my wife and myself, the delay is because we had expected to bring on a couple of extra workers to do the hand finishing while I did the casting but since I wont ask anyone to risk their health along with the current work restrictions the coin finishing hasn't started yet.
When the health risk is diminished I can bring on some help for the finishing and if the coins casting is completed before then I will just start on the hand finishing myself.
The Cardsand the book
The book and cards are ready to be printed at this time, I will wait for work restrictions to ease and things to be safer for the printers as the cards and books will just be waiting on the coins anyway.
Relevant links to my sites or projects that I am involved in
Thanks again to everyone for all the support you have given me.
cost savings with the book addon
over 4 years ago
– Wed, Apr 08, 2020 at 12:29:22 AM
I notice many people are adding the book along with their $75 coin set only reward when they are able to "switch" their reward to the $85 "full tarot 78 coin and card set" pledge.
the $85 pledge "full tarot 78 coin and card set" includes the book
the "2 full" $150 reward, the "4 full" $280 reward, and the "5 full" $350 reward include the book also
Backers who have Not done survey yet
when you first do your survey under the Get Started button there is a link to switch your pledge level
choose your new pledge level and click the switch button on the bottom and complete your survey.
Backers who have done survey
If you have already completed your survey you can go back to the backerkit link and at the top of the page there is an info banner showing your pledge level and a button that says "edit your order"
Do NOT use the edit your order button the easiest steps are below
1. in that info banner click on the $ amount under the "Your Pledge Level"
2. click on the small link that says "switch pledge levels?"
3. choose your new pledge level and click the switch button on the bottom.